Although reading is an essential skill in elementary school, not all teachers are prepared to teach it. At one point, a program was required for teachers who taught Kindergarten through third grade to take a course online or in person to teach them about the fundamentals of reading. This was required by the state licensure program, and was well appreciated, but not by everyone. Many teachers felt that it was useless and a waste of their time, because they already knew what they were teaching. But for me, it was really helpful as I had had little training in actually teaching the basics of reading (even after a four year teaching degree). I knew how to follow a curriculum, and I had heard about some of the components of reading groups (round robin, choral reading, etc.).  Also, I had analyzed written samples that told me how to identify which phase of reading a child was in. I had learned how to write lesson plans about reading particular books and writing up questions to ask my class. But unfortunately, I knew little about all the components of teaching a child to read from ground zero to blastoff.  I could tell you that you needed to follow a reading curriculum, for sure, but I had little knowledge of what comprised a good reading curriculum.  Unlike general education teachers though, I needed to teach children that were struggling with the general curriculum and needed something new. Although this is not a blanket statement, many teachers need more experience and explicit instruction in teaching reading.  For this reason, I wanted to impart some of the learning I received through my combined classes and continuing education that I have done after graduating from college and teaching for many years. I have found that I know what comprises a good curriculum for reading and that not all parents or teachers are knowledgeable about this subject. I recommend certain components of reading instruction because of the research I have learned and also because I have found it effective for my students. I have taught both in the general education classroom and in special education, which has helped me to find solutions that work faster and more effectively, since these children often require more than just the mainstream curriculum. 


If you are a teacher, and do not know how to teach reading, and that is something you must teach, consider gaining more information. Although we may know how to read, this is not the sole prerequisite for teaching reading. I believe that the instruction you give your students is as good as the teacher, not as good as the curriculum. If you are a parent, be encouraged that the learning curve is not difficult, but certainly necessary, unless you have children that will learn to read no matter how you teach them. In general though, learning to read is effective when taught through analyzing student errors and giving the appropriate feedback and instruction. 


If you are homeschooling, you have a wonderful opportunity to ensure your children get the best reading instruction and experience possible. If you are not homeschooling, consider learning more about the science of reading to help your child at home. Children need to read at home to not fall behind, and reading at home fosters a great opportunity for discussions as well as faster and greater learning. Consider that your child’s teacher may or may not have gotten much information for teaching reading, and consider providing additional instruction at home.  

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After working for a number of years in the public school system and in early childhood education, we have developed a passion to see students reach their full potential and we believe that parents play an integral role in making that happen. We are excited to encourage and equip you with tools you need to help your child succeed. Through our combined experiences in special education and speech language pathology we have gathered materials and techniques that are effective and individualized.  



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